Why is the Branding important to your brand?
With branding the brands not only make a very good impression in the consumers or clients, but also allows them to know what to expect of your brand. This type of strategy will help you to create a difference from your competitors and to show the public why your brand option must be chosen. In other words, the Branding will allow you an authentic and striking profile, to increase the commercial value of your brand, generates new costumers, improve the vision of your partners and employees and create a definite market trust.
How do you build the Branding? What is the process for Branding construction?
We begin from the fact that your brand must be capable of persuade, seduce, influence and to leave a fingerprint in your customers, both actual and potential ones, must print a seal in their minds. It’s important to get experts support to begin a creative process of brand positioning , they will accompany you to make that your brand generate emotions , because at the end , the Branding is the adding of all the sensations, perceptions and experiences that your customers , clients or users will have when they found your business , product or service One Brand construction is an specific process for each person or business, because it implies an exhaustive diagnostic and a revision of all the different features that shape your brand. Nevertheless, there are several steps or common tasks in a Branding construction:
- Define your message
Your first step is to know what you want to transmit, this is a clue step because when you specify your main message, you achieve the comprehension of the context and the process that will allow you to reach your final goal.
- Define the content
With Independence of the channel that you choose to send your brand message, it’s important that it will be aligned to the company values, that are coherent with the goals an structure of your company.
- Your Brand and your customer are one.
Through the strategic and creative process, the Branding will help you to build in the client a fidelity with you, including that both have an special emotional connection with your product or service.
- Your value added
In a world where the brands are abundant , yours must highlight always a differential point, something that defines and made her unique , and made her different from other brands.
- Focus in your audience
Knowing and defining your audience, will save your time. From the beginning of brand construction, you must have a clear view to whom you must reach, what are the special characteristics of this client, what are his dreams, what does he expect from your brand. With this information you will be more assertive in your planned goal.
- Support yourself in those that know.
A specialist in Branding will help you not only with your brand, but to help you save time and resources. The experts in Branding not only will accompany you in this process but we will avoid you to fall in common mistakes when you are building your brand.
What is Rebranding? Why or when to consider the Rebranding of your Brand?
A Rebranding it’s a marketing strategy that modifies the set of elements that identify a brand with the purpose of improve it’s positioning, to recover the recognition in the market or, including to obtain new clients among other aspects.
A Rebranding could be partial or total and can include changes in brand’s name, the design or other advertising characteristics. Generally speaking, this strategy it’s used when the company is in a declining mode , when it’s objectives change or when there is an important restructuring in the product or service that the company offers, when the consumers had lost connection with the brand, when there is a change in the brand’s market structure or when the brand image is similar to other.